Classification of Countries and the Causes of States

Country Classification

Central to the discussion in this classification of states are questions of possibilities rather than forms. country; it means that something called a state has the possibility of any form.
classification of countries and the causes of states

So strictly speaking, the existing forms of state will not be discussed, in some cases only taken as an example to explain, but the main thing that will be discussed is the possible forms of something called the state. So it is even more emphatic that what will be discussed are its teachings, namely teachings on the classification of state forms.

Apart from the matters discussed earlier, among others: the origin of the state, the essence of the state, the purpose of the state, the legitimacy of power, the theory of the forms of the state and the forms of government must receive the necessary attention, because this is very important. .
The importance is because it can help in interpreting and locating each new phenomenon called the state encountered in subsequent investigations.
Therefore, this is one of the main tasks of state science. Since the emergence of thinking about the state and law, people have discussed the possibilities rather than the form of the state, but it should be noted that until now this has not received a unified opinion from these thinkers.

This is due to :

  1. State, it is actually a process that can change at any time, which changes according to circumstances. We remember, for example, the theories we have discussed, including theories about the form of the state from Plato, Aristotle, and Polybius.

    Which in essence states that there is no single form of state which has eternal nature. In fact, in Polybius theory, it is said that the changes in the forms of the state proceed in such a way that in the end they will return to their original form.

    Remember Cyclus theori. So the consequence is that until now it is impossible to hold a classification that is permanent and of a general nature and which is valid forever, moreover because the changing times have given rise to new types of thinking about the state and law, as well as in the practice of the state. For example, with the existence of a new formation called the United Nations, this gave rise to a new form in State Science.

  2. In the development of thinking about the state and law, terminology in the science of state often changes in meaning. This is due to the less rapid changes of the terms compared to the changes in meaning. Just remember in this for example the consequences of Rousseau teachings, which have already been discussed. Also, for example, the terms monarchy, mono means one, and archien means government, so monarchy gets the definition of a state where the government is only held by one single person, as stated by: Plato, Aristotle, Polybius.

    But then in modern times, the notion of monarchy has changed. That is to become a country in which the head of state is appointed or appointed based on a system or system of inheritance, meaning that the position or position of the head of state can be inherited. This was stated by Leon Duguit, whose teachings we will discuss later.
    Also, for example, the teaching of Georg Jellinek, the term monarchy gets another meaning.

  3. In classifying the forms of state, these scholars put forward or use different criteria or bases or measures. Remember that what we are talking about here is a classification, not a division.
    In classifying something must use a criterion, without the criterion it is not possible, it is different with a division.

  4. Even regarding the so-called state, scholars, especially thinkers about the state and law have given different meanings, according to their viewpoints or their respective philosophies, and always adapt to the circumstances and needs of their era.

  5. Whereas a term alone sometimes has various meanings. For example, the term monarchy sometimes means absolute monarchy, limited monarchy, constitutional monarchy.
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