Modern Autocratic State - Auto means self, while kratos or kratein means power

Modern Autocratic State

This country is also often referred to as a one-party, or single-party system. 

The state of autocracy in its original or ancient sense of practical today can be said to no longer exist, while in the past few centuries, which the rest we may still find today, is what is called modern autocracy, even though it is somewhat vague because of this modern autocratic state in its development in modern times it manifests itself in such a way, that at a glance from the outside we see the country as if it were a modern democracy.

modern autocratic state auto means self, while kratos or kratein means power

Therefore, it is necessary to talk about the comparison between the two countries. 

Because apart from what we have mentioned above, it is true that the two countries have very big differences and are principled, especially differences in views on the nature and purpose of the country.
In a modern autocratic state, however, it can not give up its view of life, that is, that the ultimate goal is to gather as much power as possible in the hands of the state.

Therefore, it is also necessary to discuss here the problem of limiting the power of the ruler that arises from it.

An autocratic state in its purest form is, as has been mentioned above, only found in ancient times, and means that in that state the power of its government is held or exercised by only one person. Auto means self, while kratos or kratein means power.
So an autocratic country in a pure sense, is a country where the government is really only held or implemented by one person.

In modern times, as now, we may not be able to find another autocratic state whose nature is still as pure as in ancient times

Because in modern times, in the autocratic country in addition to a single person who holds the government of the country is found to have a representative body that accompanies the power of the head of state.

So at a glance the state of autocracy in modern times, which we later called the state of modern autocracy, seems almost the same as the state of modern democracy, in the sense that in both countries there is a body of representatives.

But even so, we can not equate the existing representative body in the modern autocratic country with the representative body of the modern democratic country. It is not possible to equate it because between the two bodies there are differences that are principled, principal.

And this is one of the things that gives the difference between a modern autocratic state and a modern democratic state, in addition to other differences.

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