United Nations "The principle of the souvereign equality of all its members and on cooperative"

United Nations

The League of Nations and the United Nations is now a legal subject, just like a state, the existence of law between nations.

united nations the principle of the souvereign equality of all its members and on cooperative

The United Nations in New York is not actually a country, nor is it a union of states, but is an international organization, an organization between nations in which states are joined.

This organization is said to be based on: "The principle of the souvereign equality of all its members and on cooperative".

The problem that often arises is, what is the legal nature of the United Nations.

In this connection, Sir John Fisher Wiiliams, in a speech before the International Law Association, with the title: "The Status of the League of Nations in International Law", among other things states that if the problem of the legal nature of the United Nations is raised, innocently, we are greeted with the same multitude of voices, from the various ruling parties, who have previously stated things about the "inaction" of the organization.

The Union, is not a country, nor is it a big country. This statement is true, but this is only a denial. The official British commentator has declared the "union" as: a living organism. This statement is also true, and from this statement it can be concluded that this organization, namely the United Nations, has a body, is a supporter of rights and obligations, and also owns assets.

This is indeed the case, that the United Nations has : administrators, which are called council; the meeting, which consists of delegates from its members; own employees; office; secretariat; and the tools and equipment are inviolable like the diplomats. All of these are clearly stated in the Charter. The Charter of the United Nations was born during the second world war on June 26, 1945, at an international conference in San Francisco. And it is also in the Charter that the main bodies of the 

United Nations are established :

  1. General Assembly, or General Assembly. It consists of representatives of member countries, and in this assembly each member state has one vote.

  2. Security Council, or Security Council. It consists of five permanent members, each of which has veto power, namely the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and Nationalist China.

  3. Economic and Social Council, or the Economic and Social Council. It consists of 18 members elected by the general assembly, for a period of 3 years, while its task is to coordinate the activities of special agencies to promote economic, social, public welfare and growth and development, and oversee the exercise of human rights and freedoms. fundamental human.

  4. Trusteeship Council, or the House of Representatives. It consists of major countries, and administers representative areas

  5. International Court of Justice, or the International Court of Justice. This Court is located in The Hague, Netherlands, whose members are elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council.

  6. Secretariat, or Secretariat. The Secretariat is headed by a Secretary General, appointed by the General Assembly at the recommendation of the Security Council. In carrying out his duties the Secretary General is assisted by a staff. This secretariat functions as an international civil service, as an international civil service.
Article 1 of the Charter of the United Nations states the aims and objectives of the organization itself, which is what actually encouraged the establishment of the United Nations.

That goal is the Charter of the United Nations

  1. Freeing humans from the threat of war. So maintaining international peace and security, and establishing friendly relations between nations.

  2. Restoring people's confidence in human rights, in human dignity and self-worth, on the same rights between men and women, and between large and small nations.

  3. To determine the conditions under which the rights and obligations arising from treaties and other sources of law between nations can be maintained.

  4. Encouraging social progress and the level of life to a higher level in the realm of greater freedom.
The countries that entered into the agreement and gave birth to the charter are called original members. With the charter, the original members voluntarily accept their obligations as members, and in that charter it is also determined that: membership is open to all other peace loving which accept the obligations contains in the chapter, and in the judgment of the organization, are able and willing to carry out these obligations (article 4).

This provision actually has an important meaning. He guarantees that with his last sentence, to a certain extent, there will be homogeneity in the organization of these nations.

Applications for membership are decided by the general assembly, general assembly or general assembly, on the recommendation of the Security Council, Security Council. So the acceptance is based on the approval of this organization, therefore this is a legal act.
The Security Council is charged with the responsibility for maintaining and maintaining peace and security. Its members are eleven, each and one vote. Five of these Members are permanent members. As already mentioned are: the United States, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and Nationalist China. The other members change every two years, and these are elected by the General Assembly by two-thirds of the vote. And for the decisions of the Security Council seven votes are required, and among them there must be the votes of all the permanent members. So thus each of these permanent Members has veto power.
The general assembly must be held at least once a year. And what it can solve are all the problems that belong to the charter field. And can also determine suggestions. However, the General Assembly cannot discuss matters which essentially fall within the domestic jurisdiction of a member state.

The General Assembly is divided into six commissions, namely :

  1. Political and security commissions.
  2. Economic and financial commission.
  3. Social and cultural commissions.
  4. Trustee commission.
  5. Administrative and budget commissions.
  6. Commission on legal matters.

The principles adopted by the United Nations as stated in Article 1 of its Charter are that :

  1. The United Nations is founded on the basis of the equal sovereignty of all its members.
  2. All members shall carry out in good manner all obligations which have been agreed in accordance with the provisions of the Charter
  3. International disputes will be resolved by peaceful means in such a way that international peace, security and justice are not compromised.
  4. All Members will not threaten or use force against territorial integrity or independence of any country, or in any other way inconsistent with the Charter.
  5. All Members shall assist the United Nations in actions taken under the provisions of the Charter. And it will not help which country against whom these acts were carried out.
  6. The United Nations shall ensure that states that are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with the principles established by the United Nations.
  7. The United Nations shall not intervene in the domestic affairs of any country or require the resolution of such problems according to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.
Judging from its history and activities, the United Nations is better and more advanced than the former League of Nations, especially in solving international problems.

That may be true of the saying: if this international organization existed before the outbreak of the First World War, then the First World War would not have occurred. Hopefully this is the case in the face of international conditions today, so that the Third World War can be avoided. Hopefully !

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