Theory of God's Sovereignty

God's Sovereignty

Among the theories that give the answer to the problem or question, according to its oldest history is the Theory of God Sovereignty, which says that the highest power belongs to or exists in God.
theory of gods sovereignty

The theory of God's sovereignty flourished during the Middle Ages, between the 5th century and the 15th century. In the development of this theory is very closely related to the development of a new religion that arose at that time, namely Christianity, which was later organized in a religious organization, namely the church, headed by a Pope.
So at that time there were two power organizations, namely: the state power organization ruled by a king, and the church power organization headed by a us, because at that time the church organization had equipment that was very similar to the tools state organization equipment.

At the beginning of its development this new religion got a great deal of opposition. Because this new religion was considered contrary to the beliefs or beliefs held at that time, namely the worship of the gods, or pantheism.

Many of its leaders were chased, arrested, thrown away, or killed, as they were considered a threat to the position and authority of the king.

But due to the perseverance and perseverance of its adherents, this new religion was not destroyed, but rather eventually developed well and was recognized as the only official religion, the religion of the state.

From that moment on, the church organization has real power and can regulate the life of the country, not only religious, but often also secular, so it is not uncommon for two rules to arise for one thing, namely the rules of the state and the rules church.

As long as the two rules do not contradict each other, then during that time there will be no difficulties from the citizens to obey them. But when the rules are at odds with each other, then the question arises, which rules come from which ones apply, meaning between the two rules which one is higher level, and that is the rule that will be obeyed.

In this regard there are several teachings or theories, all of which come from adherents of theocratic theories. Among them are: Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and Marsilius.

In addition there are many more, each of whom gives his teachings. Their real problem is not to question who has the highest power or sovereignty, because in this case there is a common opinion, that the one who has the highest power or sovereignty is God.

But what is further questioned is, who in this world, its concrete in that country, which represents God, the king or the Pope.

It is first said that the one who represents God in this world, so also in a country, is the Pope, this is the opinion of Augustine. Then it is said that the power of the king and the Pope is the same, only the duties are different, the king in the worldly field, while the Pope in the religious field.

This is the opinion of Thomas Aquinas. Further development emphasizes that power is in the state or king, this is the teaching of Marsilius. According to the teachings of Marsilius the king was a representative of God to exercise sovereignty or hold sovereignty in the world.

As a result of this teaching of Marsilius then at the end of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the next period, which is the renaissance, is felt very much. Because the kings felt the power to do anything according to his will, on the grounds that his actions were already God's will.

The king did not feel responsible for anyone except God. Even the king felt the power to establish the beliefs or religions that should be embraced by his people or his countrymen.

This situation escalated during the renaissance, especially after the rise of the teachings of Niccolo Machiavelli, which in turn meant to overcome the divisions and chaos of the country, with the teachings of the Staatsraisen. So people used to say that the law that must be obeyed is the law of God, now they think that the law of the country is to be obeyed, and the country is the only one that has the authority to determine the law.

Thus arose a new teaching about sovereignty, namely the sovereignty of the state.

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