State Science Research Object and the division of State Science

State Science Research Object

State Science is a branch of scientific investigation which is still young, although by its nature and in essence it is an old branch of science because in fact State Science has been known as a science since ancient Greece.

state science research object and the division of state science

General State Science in another definition is stated to be a certain science, which will seek and determine a provision and the truth of the subject of its investigation, namely the state. So, General State Science has to answer questions regarding the state.

The object of investigation of State Science is a state, where in-state science the origin, nature, nature, and everything related to the state is investigated. State Science focuses its investigations on the definition of the State in general. Apart from the causes of the existence of the General State Science, it is investigating and determining the origin, essence, and form of the state in general.

The scope and object of the State Science investigation is a state in an abstract sense, regardless of time and place, not in a certain country that positively exists at a certain time and place. This means that the state is generally studied on a theoretical scale, and the countries that exist today are only used as examples of empirical analysis. 

In addition, it is also investigated the basic definitions (grondbegrippen) and the basic principles (grondbeginselen) that apply and exist in each country.

The emergence of Science as an independent science was due to the efforts and efforts of George Jellinek. He divides the knowledge of statehood into two parts, namely : staatswissenschoften

Legal Studies (rechtswissenschaften). (Kusnardi, 1995: 34).

The definition of 'rechtswissenschaften' according to Jelinek is public law concerning state matters, for example, State Administrative Law, State Administrative Law, Criminal Law, and so on. According to him, the important thing in the division of state knowledge is the first part, namely the science of state in a narrow sense. Knowledge state in the narrow sense has three parts, as follows: (Sinamo, 2011: 6).

1. Beshreibende Staatswissenschaft

The nature of this state science is descriptive which only describes and tells the events that occur relating to the state.

2. Theoretische Stoatswissenschaft

This state science provides a further investigation of the materials collected by the Beshreibende Staatswissenschaft by conducting analyzes and separating which ones have special characteristics. Theoretische Staatswissenschaft organizes the results of its investigations in an orderly and systematic unity. This is the science of statehood which is the true science of knowledge.

3. Praktische Staatswissenschaft

Knowledge whose task is to seek how the results of the investigation of Theoretische Staatswissenschoft can be carried out in practice and the lessons are given are solely about things that are useful for practical purposes.

Furthermore, the state as the object of study is not only studied in state science, but the state is also the object of study of Constitutional Law and State Administrative Law.

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