Scope of State Science and Relationship between State Science and Other Sciences

Scope of State Science and Relationship between State Science

State Science as knowledge has been known since ancient Greece. State Science focuses its investigations on the state as an organization in a general sense.

scope of state science and relationship between state science and other sciences

In essence, State Science can be viewed from two sides, namely :

1. Sociological Overview, consisting of :

    1. State Occurrence Theory
    2. Theory of the Nature of the State
    3. State Types Theory
    4. State Law Justification Theory

2. The Judicial Review Side

    1. Theory of the Elements of State
    2. The Theory of State Goals
    3. State Function Theory
    4. Theory of Forms of State and Forms of Government
    5. Government System Theory
    6. Joints of Government Theory
    7. Theory of State Equipment Tools
    8. Theory of State Sovereignty
    9. Democracy Theory
    10. Constitutional Theory
    11. Representative Agency Theory
    12. Theory of Cooperation between Countries

Relationship between State Science and Other Sciences

Science cannot be separated and cannot possibly stand alone without being related or influenced by other sciences. 

Knowledge about a state is a branch of Social Sciences such as Politics, Law, Culture, and so on. 

All science will eventually be based on a mater Scientiarum, namely philosophy. 

Therefore Science State also can not stand alone and must work closely with other science.

Apart from having a general relationship with other sciences, State Science also has a special relationship with certain social sciences that have the same object of research, namely the state. 

In this case, the Science of State has a special relationship with Political Science, the Science of Constitutional Law, Comparative Science of Constitutional Law, and the Science of State Administration.

1. Relationship between State Science and Law

The relationship between the state science law was actually rather simple in theory sovereignty of the State. 

Law is the stated will of the state. The state has the authority to govern, which is to impose its will on others indefinitely, as stated by Jellineck that the state has the power to govern. 

Only the state has the power to unconditionally impose its will on others. A state is a form of human bond between humans who live in it, equipped with the power to rule.

2. Relationship between State Science and Political Science

Etymologically, politics comes from the Greek language, namely polis which means city or community as a whole. (Firmanzah, 2007: 48). 

Polis was considered a State in ancient Greek culture. Jean Bodin was the first to use the term political science. (Sjadzali, 1990: 104).

State Science is a social science that is theoretical in nature and all the results of the investigations that have been carried out by State Science are practiced by Political Science which is a practical social science. 

In addition to the different methods used. State science uses the juridical method, while political science uses the sociological method. (Huda, 2005: 19).

State Science focuses more on matters of a theoretical nature, therefore it feels less dynamic. 

Apart from state science, it pays more attention to the static elements of the state which have the main task of completing and providing a clear main understanding of the state. 

On the other hand, Political Science focuses on concrete factors, especially focused on the symptoms of power, both concerning state organizations and those affecting state tasks. Therefore, Political Science is more dynamic than State Science. (Wet, 1994: 35-36).

If there is an expression, the relationship between political science and constitutional law is likened to Constitutional Law as the framework, while political science is the flesh around it (Kusnardi, 1978: 11), then in this case state science is the blood that flows between the two.

3. Relationship Studies Country by Law State

The constitutional law is basically the regulations that regulate the state organization from the top to the bottom level, the structure, duties, and authorities of the state equipment, the relationship between the state apparatus both hierarchically and horizontally, the territory of the state, the position of citizens and their human rights. (Kusnardi, 1978: 29)

The relationship between State Administration and State Science can be seen from two aspects, namely :

a. In terms of nature
Constitutional Law is a practical science, so it can be applied directly. Meanwhile, State Science is a theoretical science, so it can not be used directly

b. In terms of benefits
State science is not concerned with how the law must be implemented. Therefore state science is more concerned with the state theoretically, while Constitutional Law and State administrative law are more concerned with practice.

In addition, experts also exist that express their opinion about the relationship between the Law of the State by Science State, which are :

a. Dasril Radjab
Dasril Radjab concludes that State science is a science that investigates the main definitions and basic theoretical principles that are general in nature for Constitutional Law. 

Therefore, to be able to understand Constitutional Law, one must first have a general knowledge of the state ( State Science ). 

With this, the State may provide the basis science theoretical basis for positive Constitutional Law, which is the application, in fact, is theoretically of Science State. (Radjab, 2005: 7-8).

Based on Jellinek's systematics, it is clear that the relationship between Constitutional Law and state science is that both are part of the staatswissenschaft in a broad sense. (Wahyono, 1977: 2).

4. Relationship between State Science and Comparative Constitutional Law

Studies Comparative Constitutional Law served to analyze regularly, set by systematically on the properties inherent in the country, factor that give rise to, change or eliminate a state and others. (Wet, 1977: 50-51)

Apart from that, the Law on Comparative Constitutional Law also has the task of making comparisons between countries, investigating and determining the parts or elements, characteristics, general features of the state which is the genus of a nation.

The results of an investigation of general state science will be the basis for an investigation of the Comparative Science of Constitutional Law which will further explain, explain, and compare one country to another.

Therefore, the development of state science and law science is an absolute prerequisite for the fertility of the growth of comparative science of Constitutional Law to become a science that provides explanation and explanation or verklarend. (Sinamo, 2011: 20).

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