Systematics State of Science

State of Science

George Jelinek in his book Allgemeine Staatslehre created a complete and orderly system of State Sciences. According to Jelinek, State Science (Staatswissenschaf) can be divided into two, namely : (Wahyono, 1977: 2).

systematics state of science

1. Staatswissenschaft in a narrow sense

Namely the science of the state where the focus of the discussion lies on the state as the object. Staatswissenschaft in a narrow sense can be further differentiated into :

  1. Beschreibende staatswissenschaft or better known as statenkunde, namely the science of the state that describes the state in terms of society/population, nature, flora, and fauna.

  2. Theoritische staatswissenschaft or better known as a knowledge State (ie Staatsleern Science knowledge of countries that analyze and process materials from Beschreibende sstaatswissenschaft to be arranged in a systematic and complete it with the joints of principal and fundamental understanding of the country.

Theoritische staatswissenschaft can be further divided into several parts, namely :

1. Allgemeine staatslehre

Allgemeine staatslehre, namely general state science that discusses theories about the state that are generally accepted by all countries. Jellinek discussed the General State science using the Two-Sided Theory or zweiseiten theory. Based on this theory, Jellinek distinguishes Allgemeine Staatslehre again in:

a) Allgemeine soziale staatslehre (review from a sociological point of view). Included in Allgemeine Soziale are :

  1. Theory regarding the nature of the state
  2. Theories regarding legal justification or state law
  3. Theories regarding the existence of state law
  4. The theory of state goals
  5. Theories regarding the classification of types of countries etc.

b). Allgemeine staatsrechtslehre (judicial review ). This includes :

  1. Theories regarding the form of the state and the form of government
  2. Theories regarding state sovereignty.
  3. The theory of the state element
  4. The theory of the function of the state
  5. Theories regarding the state constitution.
  6. Theory of representative institutions
  7. The theory of state equipment
  8. Theory about the joints of government
  9. Theories regarding cooperation between countries

2). Besondere Staatslehre

Besondere Staatslehre, which is a special state science that discusses theories about the state that only apply to a certain country.

3) Praktische staatswissenschaft

Praktische staatswissenschaft or better known as politic, namely the science of the State which describes the procedure for practicing theories of state science. Political Science in Jellinek systematics has a different meaning from Political Science known in Anglo-Saxon countries.

In the Anglo-Saxon countries, political science is a science that stands alone. Meanwhile, in Continental European countries, political science does not stand alone but is closely related to the staatswissenschaft. The implementation of political science is the result of investigations from theoretical science.

Continental European countries are the countries in mainland Europe except for the UK. Meanwhile, the Anglo Saxon countries are England and its colonies.

4). Rechtswissenschaft

Rechtswissenschaft about the state of gravity discussion that the science of knowledge lies in juridical terms/laws of a country.

Rechtwissenschaft consists of Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law / State Administrative Law, and Inter-State Law.

As an insight, it should be noted that the smallest country in the world is the Vatican with an area of 0.04 km2, followed by Monaco with an area of 1.95 km2, Nauru with an area of 21 km2, Tuvalu with an area of 26 km2, and San Marino with an area of 61 km2.

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