The problems encountered in the definition of Philosophy

Philosophical Definition Problems

Usually, in the inaugural lecture of Philosophy, philosophy lecturers explain the definition of philosophy by comparing it with religion and science, then asserting that philosophy does not need science and religion, philosophy stands alone above science and religion, philosophy even acts critically on science and religion.

the problems encountered in the definition of philosophy

Be aware that lecturers like this are partisan, these lecturers are no longer neutral and unfair, they have used the typical 18th-century philosophy of the secular Western World. Where Western philosophy was already anti-Catholic (the official religion in the West at that time), was already atheist, and was already secular.

In fact, there is still much that we can find in a more just, neutral, and non-partisan definition of philosophy.

In fact, Pythagoras' first and earliest definition of philosophy (about 582-507 BC) was precisely the fairest, most neutral, and least partisan definition.

When Pythagoras was asked, "are you a wise and scientist (Sophos) ?," he replied, "I am only a lover of wisdom and lover of knowledge (philosophy)" (Kenny 2004: 9).

Pythagoras' life as a philosopher (lover of wisdom/science) who was not partial to one kind of knowledge among the three knowledge that existed in his time (namely science, philosophy, and religion) was reflected in his actions during his life.

Then Pythagoras founded a community. Where in the community they abstain from food (diet), carry out a kind of prayer celebration and ceremony, believe in reincarnation, play music, and research the secrets of the mystery of numbers and the forms of numbers in the universe (Kenny 2004: 9-11).

From the activities of this community, we can judge: in this community, Pythagoras who was the philosophy along with his students practiced a kind of religion and science and of course also philosophy. The three of them unite under the auspices of the "love wisdom" (philosophy) that Pythagoras lived in his life.

After the Pythagorean era, the definitions of philosophy (love of wisdom) and philosophy (people who love wisdom) were separated from religion and science, then reduced in scope.

For an example of this reduction in scope, we can read a definition of philosophy by I. Frolov in his 
book "Dictionary of Philosophy" (1984).

In his philosophical dictionary, Frolov defined philosophy as a science that studies general laws rather than being (i.e. general laws about the universe and society) and human reasoning.

So, philosophy has separated from religion and from science.

Then, Frolov also defined religion (Catholic / Protestant) as "a fantastic reflection of the external forces that control man, which is stored in the human soul, where natural forces are mistaken for supernatural forces".

Finally, Frolov defined science as "a field of research aimed at discovering a broader knowledge of nature, society, and the mind".

That's how Frolov defined philosophy, Frolov separated philosophy from religion and science by a rigid, strict, and frozen separation.

How different from the original definition of philosophy, which Pythagoras first coined!

In this article, I prefer the Pythagorean definition of philosophy on the grounds that it is fairer, looser, more neutral, not partisan, not rigid, not frozen, not conservative.

By using the Pythagorean definition of philosophy, we can enter philosophical traditions inspired by religious teachings (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and others), which are inspired by Feminism and "Queer Studies" (LGBT Studies. ), inspired by pop culture (films, comics, and the pornography industry). In fact, we can also include philosophical traditions inspired by the teachings of indigenous tribes (ethnic philosophy, ethnophilosophy).

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