Polybius and a full explanation of Cyclus Theory

Biography of Polybius

Polybius was actually a Greek historian.

But because of something Polybius was once imprisoned in Rome.

Polybius was a diligent, diligent and talkative man.
Reference : https://ilmunegaradanpolitik.blogspot.com/2018/10/polybius-ahli-sejarah-dan-pencetus.html

This is evident even though Polybius was imprisoned, but during his imprisonment Polybius was able and able to conduct research on the system and arrangement of the constitution in Rome.

And after being released from prison Polybius traveled around the world, among other things to Africa, his purpose was also to conduct research.

And it turns out that the results of his research that Polybius can produce an impressive theory of statehood, among others the theory of changes in the forms of state. Polybius' teachings later became known as cyclus theory.

Cyclus Theory Polybius

Because according to Polybius the form of one state or government is actually a consequence of the form of another state, which has preceded it.

And the last form of the country will then be the cause of the next form of the country, so to speak, until later the forms of the country can be repeated.

So thus among the various forms of the country there is a cause-and-effect relationship.

The forms of the state change in such a way, that the change is a circle, a cyclus, hence the theory is called cyclus theory.

According to the teachings of Polybius, the forms of the country could be classified into three major groups, which were then further divided into two types.

Thus we can draw the conclusion that in general the teachings of Plato, Aristotle and Polybius on the forms of state in principle are the same is that they argue that there are three forms of state, this is the principal, which then each differentiated again into two types, until then there are six forms of the state, which although in fact the other three forms are only an excess of the three basic forms.

This later became known as a teaching about the forms of state in ancient times that were classical-traditional.

It should also be noted that, according to Polybius in the Roman empire it was possible to achieve the best form of government, because it incorporated the best elements of the various forms of government which distinguished it from each other, solely according to the teachings of Aristotle.

It is only that the causal relationship, the causal relationship, between the form of government or the form of the state with one another in the Aristotle sect has not been said as firmly as it is in the teachings of Polybius.

The causal relationship by Polybius is described as follows :

According to Polybius, any form of Monarchy is the oldest form, established by the power of the people which is a union in relation to its tendencies based on nature.

The ideals of justice and decency have caused people to initially greatly appreciate the form of the Monarchy.

Polybius' view of how the monarchy became Tyranni

In the Monarchy the power of the state is held by a single person, who is powerful, and talented, and in turn has superior qualities than other citizens, then gaining the trust to rule. The ruler, that is, the king, re-exercises his power for the common good, meaning that the interests of the people are highly regarded. So the nature of Monarchy rule is good.

But over time the descendants of the king no longer ruled for the common good, but only for their own benefit.

And the king began to rule arbitrarily, the people were very oppressed, his interests did not get attention at all.

So it is now that the country is only ruled by a single person whose nature of government is very ugly. This caused the shape of the country to change from Monarchy to Tyranni.

Polybius' view of how the Tyranni rule became Aristocracy

Because the government of a Tyran is arbitrary. then appeared later some. people that brave and have good qualities (nobles).

These Nobles are united, come forward, and hold a rebellion.

Once the power shifted to their hands, they ran the government with great interest in the public interest.
So it is now that the country is ruled by a few people and those who are running their government are very concerned about the interests of the people, the public interest. This caused the shape of the country to change, from the form of the Tyranni to the Aristocracy.

Polybius' view of how the Aristocracy ruled became Oligarchy

This Aristocratic rule was indeed good at first, but over time, perhaps even the descendants of those who later held the rule, no longer exercised that rule to exercise justice and public interest, but only their own interests.

So then the country is now ruled by some people whose nature of government is very bad.

This caused the shape of the country to change from the form of the Aristocracy to the Oligarchy.

Polybius' view of how the Oligarchy government became Democracy

Because in this Oligarchy there is no justice, then it is the people who then rebel, take over the power of the state, to improve their fate.

A country where the government is run by the people, and whose purpose is to carry out the interests of the people.

This led to the change of state from Oligarchy to Democracy.

The re-establishment of the government exercised by the people is indeed good, because it pays close attention to the public interest, and highly values equality and freedom.

But then, over time, that freedom is no longer valued, because they think that it is a normal thing, in fact they want to be completely free from the existing rules.

As a result, chaos, corruption, rampant corruption arise everywhere, so that the existing legal rules no longer have the power to bind, in fact they are free to do as they please, each person wants to govern and rule. 
This is what lowers the degree of Democracy, and transforms the state of Democracy into Okhlokocracy.

Polybius' view of the rule of the Okhlokocracy

From the chaotic situation above, where the people of his life are outside the boundaries of order and morality, there is a desire to improve his fate.

Simultaneously with that came a strong and courageous man, who by force was finally able to hold power.

So the power of the government shifted to the hands of a single person again, and those in running the government of the country are very concerned about the public interest, because they really want to improve the fate of their people, who are already in decay.

Thus re-emerged the form of the Monarchy state. This means that the circulation of changes in the shape of the country starts again from the beginning.
Concerning the state of the ever-changing state of affairs, Polybius, for the first time, suggested that in order to prevent such a state a new form of government should be established in which better elements were incorporated. But Polybius did not mention the form of government he meant.

Is the Roman Empire supposed to be meant ?

Since the beginning of Polybius this form of Roman rule became famous and gained much praise.

In the Polybius theory mentioned above, it can be seen that in good government it contains bad excess, which in turn will give birth to a bad state of state as well.

But on the other hand, in a bad government, it contains the seeds of goodness that will later give birth to a good state of the country.

The objection or weakness that can be posed to the cyclus of Polybius' theory is that the description of the emergence of new countries, that is, he thinks in a very simple picture, when aligned with the state of his weapon, which although in Polybius theory is logical.

Because in reality it never existed or happened as described in Polybius' mind.

Indeed, the forms of the state or government can always undergo changes according to the development and circumstances of the time; this has been put forward by both Plato and Aristotle.

But it is not possible that in the social sciences the same cause always results in the same situation, which has ever happened.

So for example if according to Polybius the form of Monarchy will always result in the emergence of the form of Tyranni, but in reality it may also be the form of Monarchy does not result in the emergence of Tyranni, but at the same time, immediately change to the form of Democracy.

However, his teachings are still valuable and highly valued, because it is his teachings that make Polybius famous and famous, which although famous and famous is not because of the authenticity of abstract thoughts about the state and the law from it, but because of the theories of the teachings the Stoos were embedded in his teachings, which were later also implemented in Roman legal practice.

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