History of the Development of State Science Roman times

Development of State Science Roman times

Roman culture in the field of statecraft is the same as Greek culture because Rome imitated and learned a lot from Greece, especially when Greece was under the rule of the Roman empire in 146 BC . 

In the understanding of Polis (Polis-gedachte), for example, the Romans did a lot of imitating the understanding of polis as it was practiced in Greece.

history of the development of state science roman times

The thought of the polis or polis-gedache was carried out and even practiced by the Romans by considering the city of Rome as a polis, while other areas outside Rome were considered appendices (aanghangsels). This happens because in Greek culture itself there is no known Country State or Vlaktestaat, which is a country in the modern sense (Basah, 2011: 129) .

The development of Roman political history includes and includes 4 (four) stages of time, as follows: Wet, 2011: 130-135).

1. Kingdom Period

That is the koningschap or kingdom period. The form of the State is a monarchy and is ruled by a king. This period is legendary and does not give the people any sovereignty.

2. The period of the Republic

Republic comes from the word res (interests) and public (general). Republic is a government that is run for the public interest. At that time the leadership of the country was held by the consul who organized and ran the government for the public interest. 

Usually, this government is held and run by 2 (two) consuls. However, when in a state of danger of war, natural disasters,  and so on. 

So the citizens choose someone or appoint and appoint him to hold all the power in the government during this dangerous situation , to overcome it, so this sometimes leads to dictatorship.

3. The Principal Period 

period of the principate starts from the time of Caesar. Although at that time, the kings of Rome does not have the authority (gezag), Namu n essentially they command absolutely. 

This absoluteness is based on Caesarismus, namely the existence of representatives that exploit Caesar's side of the people's sovereignty. 

It was for this purpose that the Romans were busy looking for their legal basis or foundations, so that all acts of the king who deviated from the sovereignty of the people could be justified and justified.

At that time, people's sovereignty was abused, wherein the field of state science was used the Ulpian construction which states that: people's sovereignty is given to the principles or king through an agreement contained in the law compiled by him and regulated in the Lex Regia

So, the legal basis is an agreement that lies in the civil law field. After the power has been given to the principles, the people in fact cannot hold them accountable for the principle's actions.

The famous jurists (doktoris iuris) at that time were Gajus, Modestinus, Paulus, Papinianus and Ulpianus.

In caesarismus a slogan is known which reads :

  1. Solus Publica suprema lex (public interest overcomes the law)
  2. Princepes legibus solutus est (King who determines the public interest). (Wet, 2011: 134).

Basically, governance for the public interest is formulated in law so that the degree of public interest is higher than the law. However, it was the king who defined the public interest. Automatically, in formulating the public interest the king acts for his personal interest. 

Thus, principal under the guise of the people's sovereignty to rule in the public interest actually ruled arbitrarily.

Roman law in the 6th century by order of Emperor Justinian (527-565) was codified and named the Corpus Juris Civilis which consists of 4 parts :

  1. Institutions
    Is a textbook on Roman legal institutions and acts as a collection of laws.
  2. Pandectae or Digesta
    Is a collection of essays containing the opinions of Roman jurists. If the judge is in doubt about the decision on a matter, the decision must be based on pandectae digesta.
  3. Codex
    Is a collection of laws made and stipulated by the kings of Rome.
  4. Novallae
    Is a set of additions and annotations for the codex.

4. Dominat Period

Dominant or dominate is a time when the emperor openly becomes the absolute king, acting defiantly, trampling on law and humanity.

This can be seen by the presence of humans being burned alive, humans being pitted against other humans or with lions (gladiators), and being used as a public spectacle, the people starving while the king and his followers feasted hard. (Başah, 2011: 135).

Roman culture separated the state from society. So they differentiate the definition of the state from the understanding of society. 

State power is different from the power contained in society, however, the social ethics of the people must be subject to the state besides being based on law, the people were really guaranteed their rights in the pre-dominant and dominate era.

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